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Digital transformation – learn from the best.
An Event by Bosch.
My role in the project
As the only Designer and Art Director on this project, I was reporting to the Creative Director only, most of the time directly to the client.
I defined the complete look and feel of the event, balancing between the uniqueness of the look demanded that still needed to match the Bosch global brand guidelines. I then created various assets, designed the website, prepared briefing documents for external service providers and took care of the consistent implementation of the style.
The claim UNBLOCK THE FUTURE was represented throughout the visual language of the event by the eye-catching blocks.
Since almost all the communication existed in digital channels,
it was possible to make the element of movement of these
blocks an integral part of the design, interactive whenever possible.
As a landing point for social media campaigns and the most relevant information source, the website was the most important touch point. The claim "UNBLOCK THE FUTURE" is reflected here in the design, especially in interactive, scrolling triggered animations.

Social Media
The Event was mainly promoted through several waves of campaigns on social media channels. Highlighting e.g. content-related topics, important and prominent Keynote speakers in the scene. My responsibility was to define the look and feel of the output and to direct its implementation with external motion designers.

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