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Bosch's corporate design is very clearly defined and the brand guide is one of the most innovative and all-encompassing of all.
But what does a Bosch sub-brand look like? Exactly like the umbrella brand, without any possibility of differentiation? Or does it have
its own character? The answer is:
both at the same time.
The task was to understand Bosch's corporate design so deeply that I would be able to find a niche for BCI (Bosch Connected Industry – a division of Bosch that provides solutions for the digitalization of logistics and manufacturing, the "factory of the future") within this cosmos.
In coordination with the Bosch CD global managers, I defined design guidelines
for different applications such as the visual language, general rules and standards for layout as well as specific applications such as presentations, webinars and
social media posts.
I put all this into a presentation as a future orientation for internal employees and future service providers in order to keep the defined look consistent.
My role in this project
Lead Designer and Art Director, reporting directly to the client and my ECD.

In order to be able to directly apply the previously defined visual language, I was responsible as
art director for a one-week photo shoot in several
factories across Germany.
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